The Art Institute of Chicago, 2022

Kodak Hall @Eastman School of Music, 2023


Taming Democracy with Liberalism: The Politics In and Out of Liberal Democracy (2020). Paju, South Korea: Dongmyeongsa

(Authored chapter 2, "Informational Symmetry and Free Trade - Focus on Lobbying Disclosure")

Working Papers

Political Targeting with Trade

Firms Lobbying for Preferential Trade (w/ Randy Stone) (Under Review) 

Who's More Willing to Bend: Intellectual Property Rights Protection in North-South Trade Agreements (Under Review)

Lobbying for Conditionality (w/ Randy Stone)

Spending to Not Lose: Party Legacy and Firm Lobbying in WTO Dispute Settlement

Lobbying Disclosure and Free Trade

Works in Progress

How Green Is Inflation Reduction Act?

Bilateralism VS Multilateralism: Strategic Choice of Trade Dispute Forum